SINDY I WAS BORN DECEMBER 4, 1992. I had five sisters but one died from the earthquake January 12, 2010. I have one brother and my mom. My dad passed away in 2005. My family did not have enough to meet our needs when my dad was alive. So you can imagine when he passed that it got worse. After my dad’s funeral, all my cousins, my aunts and uncles promised to help but we did not receive anything from them. So it was my mom alone with us. She used to do retail where we lived and there were always gunshots because it was the time when President Aristid was exiled. It was not easy because she couldn’t stay with us, shewouldgotothemarkettosell,evenifsheonlysold10gourdesaday. Some months later my older sister Emmanuella went to Bisantenair where the hospital used to be, to go to see her godfather who worked there. She would always say hi to Mr. Philip who used to work at King’s orphanage. When Mr. Philip found out my dad passed, he offered Emmanuella a choice for our mom. Would she rather receive some money or to place her kids at the orphanage. Our mom thought about it. She thought if she accepted money, there will be a time the money will be gone, so she decided to put us in the orphanage. I don’t remember if I cried. In 2008, Emmanuella turned eighteen and she went to my mom. Later, in 2010, I turned eighteen and I went back to live with mymom. I spent fiveyears at the orphanage. When I left the orphanage my two little sisters were still there, Manouchka and Erika, until they were adopted and left for the United States. After I left King’s, I lived in Champ De Mars in the tent city because the earthquake collapsed the house where we used to live. When it rained, water would get in the tent. The sheets and we would get wet. We ended up staying awake until the rain stopped so we could hang the sheets to dry. When I went to school, the students who live in houses bullied us. God blessed us by using Tia and Larry (my little sisters adopted parents) along with my sponsor Lynn, who has helped us by renting a house for us. I used to pass some months without eating enough food because I had to pay for my school and transportation to go to school and church. I just finished my senioryear. In September 2014, I hope to go to University if God provides by allowing some people to help me financially. I am taking English classes and I speak a little Spanish. I like science, math and chemistry a lot. I like to read, go to church, and school. On April 13, 2014 I was baptized at the Methodist church and now I am a memberwho is working for Christ.