RAYNALD MY DAD BECAME A CRAZY PERSON BECAUSE HE COULDN’T SUPPORT OUR FAMILY…WE ENDED UP LIVING BY OURSELVES IN THE HOUSE.” “ I GREW UP IN A FAMILY WITH FIVE SIBLINGS. I am the second one. We lost my mom when I was around eight years-old. We ended up living with my step mom in order to get some help. My dad became a crazy person because he couldn’t support our family. He had some problems with the law and we ended up living by ourselves in the house. One day one of my aunts came to visit Haiti and wanted to help us but she did not say what kind of help. However she assured us we would be better off. That’s how without family notice she took us to King’s Garden. We didn’t know for thirteen months that it was an orphanage we were at. Melissa, Kelida and I were not happy when we understood it was an orphanage we were living in, especially me. Even after all of that I still went to school. I always tried my best; I was thinking if I graduate from high school maybe someone might help me to go to a University. Every day I studied for that dream. www.heartenhaiti.org